The way I would think of this, a closed causal loop, who made the watch? Where does the pattern come from? Perhaps our universe is the watch. Think of time as a higher dimension, a direction perpendicular to all the directions that we're in. You're going forward through time. A person eats every day, a person excretes every day. Atoms come into you, atoms go out of you. You're a braid in time. You're like a long linked braid of atoms. Some come in, some go out. In space-time, you're nothing more than a pattern, a pattern in space-time, a long linked braid. So what's you? Nothing solid, a pattern of information, a pattern of information, a pattern of information. Think of the universe as like a war between habit and novelty. That's the great dualism, habit. It means repetition of pattern, momentum, entropy. That's habit. And novelty means symmetry breaking, new connections, and advance into the future. And so this ebb and flow of novelty versus habit is the real story of how the universe works, but science has not even talked about this. And what we really need is an entirely new view of what time is. The view of time that we're operating with is the view that time is like a perfectly smooth surface. (drums and vocals) you {END} Wait Time : 0.00 sec Model Load: 0.67 sec Decoding : 0.18 sec Transcribe: 179.88 sec Total Time: 180.74 sec