chemically... well, it's hard to put it into words exactly especially when you try to do it for the first time obviously the difference between a living person and a dead person there is a way of thinking about that where you would say the difference is a chemical one in one case metabolism is going on, in the other case not I am beginning to think that this narrowing of our conscious focus into three dimensions for survival purposes that I mentioned a few minutes ago may have actually cut us off not only from where the game will be next month or who stole the chicken but it also may have cut us off from contact with the after death world because it has no efficacy in the very nitty gritty blood and muscle problem of day to day survival and that what we have discovered in DMT is literally a chemical doorway to the bardo and that this, I think, is an even more confounding notion than the notion that we are being pheromonally managed by zeta reticulums or something like that I mean, after all, if that were the case it would probably just be one of many programs of social manipulation that are administered by some hideous bureaucracy somewhere beyond Agol and there's careerism and blunders and budget overruns in other words, it sort of comes back down into that's what the problem I have with all extraterrestrial scenarios is the extraterrestrial seems so much like ourselves I think probably it's that we have found the pharmacological key to the bardo and that this is going to overturn civilization so completely that we might as well just call an end to it and recess the meeting and if you ask shamans about this you say, what is this all about they will tell you, well we do all our work through ancestor magic well ancestor is a very sanitized term because not too many people when they hear the word ancestor realize that we're talking dead people here so when a shaman tells you he works with the ancestors he's saying he works with dead people well, if that's the case, then we are close to being able to secure in a rational sense the answer to one of the questions that has driven us most buggy throughout history which is, is there continuity of something after the body dissolves and I am the last person to ever carry this message into society I was raised Catholic I rejected it at age 14 Jean-Paul Sartre, Jean Genet, Friedrich Nietzsche these were my gods and I felt that moral responsibility, existential honesty demands that we put aside the cheerful fairy tales the more naive levels of culture and that anybody who wants to talk to you about the dear departed and all that is in the grip of menopausal mysticism or something or just hasn't carried out a rational analysis of what he is now, I think, these religions have all made hay and hash, I might add out of their imagined franchise of the after death world because they use it to beat you on the head with some moral laundry list of do's and don'ts that's very dear to them and it can be anything as nuts as that you shouldn't be born to who knows what, you know and all sides of the world and has only been thrown into question by the scientific high tech democracies in the last 500 years or so and for them, only among a secular educated elite the premise that is that there is something that persists beyond life and I think that part of the profligate irresponsibility of modern life arises from the fact that we don't think we have dues to pay we think there's an easy way out and that you can be a jerk and then just become food for worms and nobody will ever get on your case about it and so moral relativism has come into play but if in fact we are securing in some form the notion that the human personality or some portion of it persists after death and that there is an ecology of souls and that we must in some sense share this planet with them because after all when you smoke DMT you don't go anywhere physically you simply see your nearby environment from a different dimension through different eyes then it means that we represent a tiny minority of the human beings who care about this planet we the living are just a tiny slice of who cares and who is active in the situation and somehow we are being through chance which I don't believe in or through design which seems everywhere around us we are being brought up short and told that in order for the earth to survive we must join everyone else in this other place and that it is not to be conceived of as dissolution it is to be conceived of as disembodiment this is the only thing I can figure out that is going on there is some kind of project underway to transfer the lumpen living into the realm of the grateful dead and the anxiety that we feel about death is an anxiety born essentially of ignorance and this ignorance is understandable because we have suppressed, repressed and denied shamanism the leadership role that it should have in metaphysics of all sorts and so now we are about to become extinct and you can like it or you can not like it you can decry it as the greatest tragedy ever to befall us or this planet, although I suspect the planet will heave an enormous sigh of relief but there is a perspective in which it can actually be seen as progress that we are all at once going to transit into this bardo realm now this may not be it, it may not be a simple die off it may be that somehow a dialogue can be set up with these souls or their representatives or whatever they are in this other place and that a world can be established which is neither quite theirs nor quite ours in other words that the difference between being alive and being dead which seems to us fairly fundamental could in fact turn out to be fairly minor and erasable or the boundary could be moved from where it is to somewhere else we, this stuff is hackle raising in its weirdness but if you are going to be true to the content of the experience then I think you are pushed in these kinds of directions and the attractor at the end of history that seems to be pulling the human world certainly if not all of space and time into its domain is in the act of realizing itself going to obliterate the kind of distinctions that we have grown used to excuse me, even on such fundamental issues as life and death that's the grandest conception that I've been able to come up with and it doesn't require friendly, altruistic, extraterrestrial flying in from the Betelgeuse and it doesn't involve nanotechnological downloading of everybody into a gold deterbium cube buried on the back side of the moon and it doesn't involve the human enterprise simply becoming a layer in shale somewhere in the strata of the paleontological record of life on this planet it is a fitting denouement for the mess that we have wandered into it does require unlimbering of the imagination to come to terms with this because we are in great denial over the possibility that the world could really be transforming itself I mean about as far as most of us can go without getting metaphysically uncomfortable is to embrace recycling and population control but I doubt that such cheerful diddling with the machinery will be able to swerve us from our path I think like it or not we are going into a world that we literally as we sit here cannot conceive of a world so different from ordinary reality that to discuss whether we will be alive or dead in that world is mere quibbling there's one point I wanted to clarify real quick I didn't see this launch of the alien psychedelic war template as a bureaucratic enterprise I almost always envisioned it as a real provisional underground thing maybe done by a small minority of shamans in a desperate hope to somehow propagate their origins you mean alien shamans? yeah it could be that I sense a crisis in the physics of the matrix itself in other words I think that this is not only happening to human beings I'm serious when I say there's only 20 years of history left and we still have half of it to do we're going to have to do some pretty fast scapping I mean what we took 50,000 years to do that we must now do in 20 years I think that that space and time and the physical body and the planet and that everything is essentially some kind of an illusion it's not real what is real, what is truly bedrock and I guess this comes close to being of the Buddhist position this is all provisional this is not what the universe is the universe is something else you know the Buddhists have a doctrine that if a single person will attain enlightenment then the illusion will collapse instantly all beings will be sucked into the post-enlightenment state and the illusion of space and time of becoming an entity will all be obviated at the snap of a finger well we tend to disbelieve this because no matter how metaphysical we are we may even call ourselves Buddhists we really believe that Andromeda is 250,000 light years away we can't conceive of a light year but we actually believe what the scientists tell us and yet my God when you start carrying out a critique of modern science you cannot believe what fluff this stuff is built on I heard an analogy recently which I thought was very interesting our entire picture of the so-called distant universe is built up by the science of radio-telescopy the use of radio-telescopes to study deep space this science has been in existence since about 1950 if you were to take all the radio signals that have been analyzed by radio astronomy since 1950 and characterize them as energy it would be the amount of energy that is released by a cigarette ash falling a distance of two feet so this is the thinness of the data out of which we have created these incredibly grandiose conceptions of what is happening science is just whistling past the graveyard don't forget that the telescope is about 500 years old this year so to believe that the story science tells us is true when we can't understand the mathematics we cannot build the instruments ourselves we cannot analyze the data we are under the thumb of a priesthood more domineering more removed from the ordinary concerns of ordinary people than any priesthood of any religion in the past ever was I think we should hold all that in abeyance I'm not saying it's not true I'm saying it's not possible to tell whether it's true or not one thing psychedelics will do for you for sure is to convince you that what's real is what I call the felt presence of immediate experience that's what's real what you think, what you feel, what you see now is what's real even your own memories are so shifting and elusive and subject to psychological transformation based on your own inner and unconscious dynamics and kinks that to believe what somebody else is telling you about the temperature of bagel juice or something like that or the charge of the top quark means you've moved off into some kind of private Idaho crazy people rave about stuff like this but I think people who are rooted in a good philosophical method will not give much credence to anything out of reach of their good right arm and the psychedelic experience is an experience you know, I didn't present you with a set of tensor equations or a tape of electromagnetic data interpreted through the Fishie formula we're talking experience here and this experience, if made commiserate with ordinary experience I think leads to the conclusion that this is, I said this the other night this is as dead as you'll ever be this is as low as you can go this is as confined a mode of existence as it's possible to know and it's all up from here folks it's a kind of Gnostic vision it sees our present circumstance as the low rung of a ladder of transformational distillation and we come from we know not where I mean we have, yes, the details on the fertilization of the egg by the sperm and so forth and so on where the form comes from we don't know this is the mystery of morphogenesis and then where the form goes to we do not know I mean I now think that the proper way to think about biology is biological objects plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, amoebas and human beings biological objects are hyperdimensional objects you can tell that that's true because whenever you what is the sine qua non of a biological object meaning what is the thing it must have to be biological it must metabolize that's the essence of life the form is stable but the matter and the energy which compose the form are in constant cycling the form stabilizes but the energy is flowing through it which stabilizes it well when we use phrases like cycling through it flowing through it these are words which imply a temporal dimension if you have a chair and you cut into it it doesn't bleed, it doesn't squirm away it doesn't begin to rot and fall over if you cut into a living object it undergoes all kinds of changes this is because you have destroyed one of the dimensions necessary for its manifestation the temporal dimension the living body has a relationship to time which the chair doesn't have the chair is born along in the stream of time the biological object is made of time itself as much as it's made of space and matter and so really what birth is is the descent of this mysterious entity called the form into matter it clothes itself with matter and energy through a process of gestation, unfoldment separation from the environment of gestation and unfoldment which is the mother's body and then it has an autonomous existence but what is generally true true of all life in the phylogenetic I'm sorry, in the ontogenetic expression what's true is that it has finite duration everything dies the individual dinosaur, the individual elephant the individual human being, they die that means that the form eventually withdraws itself from the domain of matter and energy and it then presumably exists as it existed before having added whatever adumbrations three-dimensional experience has given to it so I've come to see the body as basically the placenta of the soul and you know, that's a way of thinking about it that makes dying not so terrifying I mean, it's as terrifying as smoking PMT but it's nothing to claw the walls about the body is the placenta of the soul for the individual well then it's just a short step to realizing that we are now called upon as a species to abandon the body the body is the collective body is the collective placenta of the species and you don't do a war dance around the placenta once it's served its function which is to bring the forming fetus to the point where it can exist and sustain itself in the dimension for which it is destined in the case of ordinary birth that's three-dimensional space and time in the case of this metaphor it's the hyperspace beyond space and time once we are ready to exist in that dimension it's time to undergo the journey down the birth canal and bury the placenta under the old apple tree and forget it and move on and you know, I grant you the analogy isn't perfect I mean, where is the midwife? where is the waving bassinet? but perhaps the answer to that is the midwife is waving in these intimations of the friendly alien presence it may be an aspect of humanness that awaits us just over the great divide and so we are going to have to you know, I think you probably now at every talk I give I make the analogy to birth that this is what we in the 20th century are experiencing the 20th century is analogous to the birth canal of human history and so, you know the wonderful swim in the amniotic ocean is over the fool's paradise of the fetal life is ending now, the walls are literally closing in we can't get enough oxygen we are using up our food the walls are strangling us there is no room on this planet for all of us and for us it's a catastrophe but I imagine when a woman goes into transition that the fetus, if it's not a metaphysician must be fairly alarmed by the situation it must just say, well I guess this is it it's all over, I'm going to be strangled suffocated and simultaneously choked to death in this situation it would take a far-seeing fetus indeed to embrace the journey down the birth canal as the road toward, you know a split-level ranch house in the middle of Malibu if you play your cards right surely that gets the idea across yes could you say more about your content of your story? I was really fascinated and it seemed like there were some qualities to it that I wanted to know, hear more about well, sure DMT, if you take it orally is destroyed by enzymes in your gut so it has to be smoked unless you have a chemical strategy for inactivating those enzymes so assuming you smoke it it comes on in about 30 seconds and if you're a leather-lunged Hashashin you can maybe get it in one swell foot but it takes most people about three hits and the first thing you notice is that it's as though all the air has been drawn out of the room you're in suddenly the colors come forward the edges sharpen this is really happening it has an extraordinary effect at low doses on visual acuity so does psilocybin and then you close your eyes you feel very peculiar a kind of anesthesia sweeps through your body a kind of numbing and yet a sense of a building bubble of energy you close your eyes and after a few seconds you see forming in front of you what I call the chrysanthemum it's a floral mandala usually in yellow and orange most people say and it's slowly turning it's like a wall but it's a hallucination but it's right here, right in front of you and you watch it for about 15 seconds if it stabilizes you need one more hit what usually happens is that after about 15 seconds of contemplating this thing it's as though suddenly whatever was holding you back the cable is cut and you are just propelled through this membrane and you hear a sound like a bread wrapper being crumpled a cellophane bread wrapper being crumpled and thrown away and it explains this is, according to a friend of mine your radio intellect exiting the anterior fontanelle at the top of your head but he could be wrong but whatever it is and then you hear a tone which is, it could be reproduced on a synthesizer it's that [synthesizer sound] you know, but it keeps going and becomes hypersonic, supersonic, subsonic I don't know and there is a sense of literally a membrane is ruptured and now you're there and what happens to me is the first thing I hear is a cheer a yell of greeting it's, on their second album the Pink Floyd have a song in which they sing the gnomes have a new way to say hooray well, you break into this gnomeness and it's a very specifically characterized place it is domed it's indirectly lit not brightly lit but it's soffited lighting of some sort it's comfortable and, but all of that is hard to focus on and relatively inconsequential because the main thing that's happening is these things come bounding towards you like greyhounds and there are many of them these jeweled, self-dribbling transforming basketballs which look like iridescent electric radiolaria or something I mean, they are diatomaceous neon transforms made of syntax or some damn thing like that and they come towards you and you have to deal with yourself in this situation because most people their reaction is absolute amazement complete hysterical disbelief I mean, you just say my God, what is happening? it comes so quickly that it isn't like a drug where you deep breathe and you close your eyes and you wait for an hour and you slowly summon it out of its crevice it's not like that it's like you were struck by lightning in fact, some people think they have been struck by lightning that they never got to the drug that just as they raised it to their lips they were struck by lightning or a jet fighter fell out of the sky or something and then you have to ask yourself is this okay? because it's so radical and it happens so quickly and your eyes are wide open and you don't see anything recognizable three dimensional space the room you were in everything, it's gone instead, this place and then they tell you they try to reassure you although they are not very reassuring what they say is don't give way to amazement don't abandon yourself to wonder basically, don't be a jerk and a rude you know pay attention pay attention to what is happening and then they proceed to do a very intense form of team teaching they come bounding up they present themselves they also do this weird thing where they jump into your chest and then they jump back out so you are having this sucking in and out of your body they jump in and out of your chest and they are singing and squeaking and squealing in some kind of elf glossolalia which you can see this is very important they speak a language which you look at you don't hear and they make objects which are like super puns of some sort in that the object is not one thing it is somehow several things simultaneously a pun attains its effect by being simultaneously more than one thing but these are not verbal puns these are objectified puns in three dimensional space and they are funny and the whole thing is pervaded by the word zany is what I use it is a form of humor it is a form of merriment but you can't entirely relax around it because you can't entirely be sure that you are getting the joke it is like a humor with an edge to it and they are showing you these jeweled I have compared them to Faberge eggs and when they show you these things you can tell by looking at them that if you could bring a single one of these objects no larger than an orange into this world it would end the debate I mean all you would have to do is show it to somebody and they would say that's impossible but yet it's happening so therefore my reality is dissolving I mean it's somehow to gaze upon these objects is to be forever corrupted for ordinary consciousness make them with their voices these objects are quasi alive the objects themselves can sing and make other objects so you are just being you are like in this a cross between Santa's workshop Tiffany's and the basement of the Metropolitan Museum and they are offering you all this time I have somehow stretched the thread too tightly and now I am never going to make my way back and they are saying no, no, can that, that's not what's happening this is what's happening, pay attention look, look, look and then it just fades very suddenly and they sense it coming they have urgency because they know the window is tremendously narrow and in the final moments in some cases I recall they literally it recedes away or you pull away from it and they say, "deja vu" "deja vu" and then you open your eyes and you are in the room you left it's like a thousand mics of LSD or something you are more loaded than you have ever been in your life and you immediately proclaim my God, I am completely down and you know, the walls are rubbery the Persian carpet is crawling around your friends have faceted faces and look like they just climbed out of one of Billy Meyer's starships but you are absolutely completely down you accept this as ordinary it's all you can do to keep from kissing the good earth because where you were was so much removed from that there is no comparison well, now after doing this a number of times because the first time you do it the goal is pretty much to live through it I mean, it's like being shot out of a I read, I think it was Tim Leary's metaphor he said it's like being shot out of a cannon with baroque barreling and afterwards people want you to draw the barreling what you were trying to do was live through the experience but after you do it many, many times in 10, 15, it depends on how bright you are and how able to resist freaking out you are my impression became and this is astonishing to me based on what I've said so far this is someone's someone very strange it's someone's idea of a reassuring environment for a human being this place you end up which is the weirdest place you could ever conceive of or imagine has been specifically designed by someone to be as mundane, ordinary and like this world as they could possibly make it not only that the impression that I have is the vibe of this place, if you will is, it's a nursery it's a playpen, in fact and these toys, these things, these elves are nothing more than the equivalent of stringing a string of colored plastic objects over a bassinet there to teach you spatial relationships and hand-eye coordination you are briefly in a nursery for receiving human beings who have just crossed over from hyperspace well, imagine if all you knew about this world was a nursery and a maternity ward or a home somewhere and you're trying to deduce the nature of the universe from a 30-second visit to a human nursery that's the kind of position we're in and I think that is what gave me the notion that this has to do with the after-death state apparently, the soul is literally being born into this other dimension and the soul is not it's exactly like this world when you're born into this world you're just a little worm of a thing you have to be held by your mother you have to be swaddled you have to be kept away from bright lights breezes, men with cigars, and so forth and the soul, as it transits into that place you immediately meet the just-extended existence of your soul in an entirely new domain how? everyone's got to be trapped in that place down on the earth you mean stayed in that place? yeah no and it seems to me unlikely that anyone would because interesting about DMT is that it occurs naturally in the human brain we all make it, all the time and so in a sense, this is not a drug at all this is a human metabolite that you're getting a tremendous overdose of but the fact that it occurs naturally in the human brain means that you have chemical pathways biosynthetic pathways that can deal with it that's why it lasts so short a time one way of talking about the toxicity of a drug is to ask the question how long before you feel perfectly normal after taking this drug? if you have a drug that 24 or 48 hours after you take it you still have lower back pain and you're lying in warm baths and avoiding ringing telephones and don't want to talk to anybody that's a toxic drug I don't care whether it's coke, mephedrine or LSD you shouldn't... that's not good DMT it... 10 minutes within 10 to 15 minutes after taking it you not only are down you can't tell you did it there's no residual no lingering headache no dryness of mouth no dilated pupils nothing it's like you took an ice cube and hurled it into a blast furnace and then you went looking for it 15 minutes later it's not to be found it ain't there well, this is amazing because this is the strongest psychedelic there is you'd think that you'd have to put ice packs on your head for a week after this and instead it's completely gone so Rupert and I in talking about this he developed the idea of what he called a necrophic compound he thinks that DMT that at death you flood your system with DMT that this is what these pathways exist for and that it sets you up for for dying and that if you can... and I gave DMT once to a Tibetan Lama who a very old one not one of these alcoholic fundraising Lamas the real thing the real thing and the guy took it like a man he was probably 92 and afterwards he said it's the lesser life he said you can't... he said if you go further you can't return that's the limit and that there is no failsafe and he was perfectly matter of fact about it and I took him at his word if anybody should have known this was to do and I think it's a tremendous argument for hope and you see it's not only an argument for hope it means that if we could get the... well the infantile shit-brained drug-phobic yahoos sent back to wherever it is that they are going to be sent to practice their family values then we could actually do significant research and find out what's going on here it's an object of legitimate research we don't have to genuflect in front of this like it's a religious mystery and we'll always be unknowable in principle what we need to do is you explore this dimension the way you explore any unknown dimension you send people of great courage and descriptive skill in with their notebooks their telescopes their tape recorders or whatever is the equivalent for this job and then you find out what it is and I think that the destiny of the species may be spun into this it may not be it may be that this transition into hyperspace is not as inevitable as I previously assured you it may be that we have to do something on this side we have to meet them halfway through the mountain they're boring toward us we have to alert ourselves to the fact that a tunnel is possible and then get cracking, you know with dynamite which is an analogam for DMT yeah Terence, can you go into quickly say something about the distinction now between what you have spoke about the last ten minutes with talk the distinction between Faberge eggs and basketballs and self-transforming machine elves and that that one may occur by going into the Amazon canopy and experiencing some type of preparation prepared by the natives is that organically mixed earthly-based high similar to the synthesized DMT now I have taken DMT many, many years ago but it would seem that the natives may say, describe it at least in a much different fashion than yourself what is the distinction and then also if you can hit on after that the distinction between that and suicide well, the difference is not as great as maybe your question implies first of all the thing that is so interesting about DMT is if the only requirement is that you be able to hold the toque and if you cough and lose it then it's murky and mucked up in the case of ayahuasca which is what you're asking about it's a well, I'll explain to the group remember how I said that DMT is destroyed in your gut so you have to smoke it but then I added the caveat that unless you somehow inactivate this enzyme system in your gut which will destroy it the DMT well, it turns out there's a way to do that the enzyme system is called monoamine oxidase and there are compounds called monoamine oxidase inhibitors if you take a monoamine oxidase or MAO inhibitor then and follow it with oral DMT then the DMT will not be destroyed in your gut it will actually be absorbed into the lining of the small intestine a large intestine and then passed into the bloodstream and you will have a psychedelic intoxication well, in the Amazon this has been understood by the shamans for a long long time and so they take two plants one Banisteriopsis capi a large woody vine a twining liana and it actually contains a powerful short-acting monoamine oxidase inhibitor and they take this vine and they pulverize it and they combine it in a large pot of water with the leaves of another plant which contains DMT it may be one of several plants it's usually Secotria viridis then they boil these two things together and then for hours and then they pour the water off and save it in a jug and put fresh water on this this mess of two different plants and boil it again for hours and then they pour the two water fractions together and they get rid of all the solid matter they throw it away it's now been cooked for six to eight hours and they take this watery fraction several gallons and they drive it down over a hot fire until they get something a dark brown thick liquid that is truly horrifying to ingest because the taste is so ghastly because all the salts and sugars and God knows what else have been concentrated into this stuff but this is now a beverage a liquid I love it that in the literature they call it a psychoactive beverage and when you drink it the compound from the woody vine harming inhibits the MAO and the DMT passes through and enters the blood stream and instead of a ten minute experience that reaches the apex of intensity in two minutes you get an experience which is drawn out stretched out over about four to six hours now usually this is not it's a psychedelic experience it's similar to mushrooms in some way but if you really make it stiff if you really put the pedal to the metal on the amount of psychotria viridis or DMT containing leaf that you put into this stuff then after about two hours you can slowly by sitting in darkness by practicing breath control you can slowly manipulate it into a place where you then say by gosh and by golly we've made it to the elf nest here it is so I think that great shamans courageous shamans have always been able to make their way into the presence of this thing but I put the great qualifier in front of the word shaman because in my actual field experience in the Amazon what I discovered was once it got you loaded enough to be comparable to say four grams of mushrooms most of these guys would look at you in horror if you suggested that it was only twice as strong as it should be shamans all over the world have an ambivalent attitude toward these dimensions they go into very few just hurl themselves delightedly into complete boundary dissolution I had a guy tell me once he said you think just because we run around wearing penis sheaths that this stuff is easy for us to do well I've got news for you it's as hard for us as it is for anybody it's hard for human beings to surrender to something so strange I could never get ayahuasca to carry me into the DMT nest until I made it myself and then with nobody you know holding my elbow and keeping me and telling me how much potry of a rivet I should put in I was able to jack it up and jack it up until finally it was truly horrifyingly strong and that's what you want and we're not interested in colored lights and dancing mice here so now let me see did I cover the waterfront? no comparison to DMT to psilocybin in that you explained one time in one of your past lectures that the earthly or UFO type images that appear from psilocybin is supposed to be more earthly mother of god is connection of the ayahuasca but I think if you push the ayahuasca hard it all begins to migrate in this direction psilocybin you know I advocate 5 dry grams in silent darkness 8 dry grams in silent darkness will give you the indistinguishable from a DMT flash the problem is you know one thing about DMT that is both frustrating and liberating is that it's so brief basically it's like a rollercoaster the great consolation is this is only going to last for 5 minutes if you climbed on a rollercoaster of super intensity and as they dropped the bar over your lap they said oh yeah this is the 4 hour trip then you would say oh god it does appear though that by IV which is mostly how I did it years ago that it seemed that it was extended to about 30 to 40 minutes IV DMT? yeah you mean that you shot it in the venus you don't mean that it was a a perfusion pump no no well see I've talked to to people who've done research on DMT and a surprising conclusion that comes out of those discussions is that shooting it is not as intense as smoking it shooting it is not as intense well yeah it sounds fairly intense but people who do both say shooting it can't play a candle to and this is a funny thing I'll just mention it as an aside drug researchers love to shoot drugs into their experimental subjects they love the syringe as the route of administration because you get better numerical data because you can measure the dose absolutely and then you hit them and you know they got it if you smoke something you may, you know, obviously when you can hold your breath no longer and you exhale smoke comes into the room that's not part of your dose and sometimes there's a residuum in the bottom of the pipe that's not part of your dose so in the name of precision people who've done research on DMT have always shot it even the recent study out of the University of New Mexico it was by injection I tried to persuade them to do a section with smoking but this argument for numerical precision carried the day but the effect of relying on intravenous injection like that is that no one in the clinical situation has ever observed or experienced the flash that I'm talking about I don't think you can attain it except by smoking How about the penis snuffs that the other models are making very consistently? No, I've done those and that is no, well tell the truth let the chips fall where they may highly overrated for several reasons first of all you have to snuff close to a tablespoon of these toasted and powdered if anadinanseroparigrine seeds and there's a lot of cellulose there and so you do not absorb it instantly the other thing is it's so physically unpleasant to do it that there's a tendency to cut low on the dose because the standard method of administering adenine is you have a hollow reed like a bamboo reed about this long you fill it with this powdered toasted sawdust essentially that has been reduced to flour and you get up on your haunches and your friend comes over and you put the tube up your nostril and he blows he takes a huge lump full of air and he just blows as hard as he can well, the effect is like being hit in the face with a two by four I mean, you stagger backwards you salivate it's intensely painful you scream you squirm around in the dirt and then you get back up on your haunches and by that time he has loaded the tube for the second nostril and then the whole thing happens all over again except now you're salivating your eye is swollen up your sinuses are filled with this gunk and you do it again same thing scream, squirm in the dirt so forth and so on then you stagger over out of the sun into the shade and sit with this with his saliva just pouring out of your mouth and after about five minutes you begin to drift into a psychedelic state of some sort but there is no sense of a rush of a splitting of the world into two halves it's not an effective route of administration what do you call it? the chorus spirits? oh well, once they get once they get intoxicated then they play this strange game which is almost characteristic of this white Yanomamo cultural group guys square off they stand about three feet apart from each other and by some means equivalent of tossing a coin it's been decided who will go first so the guy who goes first is totally loaded on the stuff and he has mucus running out of his mouth saliva running out of his mouth his eyes are swollen practically swollen shut he pulls back his hand and he hits the other guy right in the center of the chest as hard as he can so the guy either loses his feet or does in many ways he grunts like a bull and stands there he also is in the same state then he pulls back and then he does it and they keep doing this until somebody is knocked off their spot and when you interview them later about this what you're told is your ability to stand on your spot depends on how many of these Hikuli spirits you have inside your chest and so this is some kind of Yanomamo psychology meeting the raw data of the DMT experience I don't know what they're talking about but it has something to do with the DMT things that jump in and out of your chest when you smoke it they believe that they say the demon from the tree will live in your chest and the more of these tree demons inside your chest you have the more physically able to resist being knocked off your spot you are and the more shamanically empowered you are but this goes to a point I often make with my groups which is one ethnic group or one culture's drug is another person's pain in the neck I've taken awful drugs that the people after it was over with they would say God you guys do this all the time it's really kind of... and they say yeah well it takes getting used to and we really don't do it all that often only... ceremonies and you're right most people are glad to get it over with and go back to the palm beer so your experience is basically that it's too caveman-like it's very hard on the system biologically and it makes it so that the time that you could be having exploring these strange dimensions is somehow inhibited yeah I don't think in the bina-taking situation that you ever get enough all at once to the synapses in sufficient concentration to deliver you over into what I'm describing occurring on the... I took ayahuasca and linked it to snuff right after I drank the ayahuasca strangely enough though those cultural groups do not overlap you know where there is ayahuasca there is never athena where there is athena if there is ayahuasca there never is... there's no ethnography done right now on that that may be an area where someone would want to explore by bringing in non-indigenous... sources of ayahuasca into the mammal area well people are... you know traditional people are surprisingly conservative I mean I've sat with ayahuasqueros and done their brew and talked to them about DMT and then they say well describe it and so then I will describe it as I described it to you here and then my best guy said well... I don't know it sounds a little intense I think I'll take a pass on it you know and he was my mentor in the domain of ayahuasca it's pretty stout stuff I think that you know shamans have always you know looked over the fence looked through the keyhole stepped through the doorway but I think DMT pure crystal DMT or ayahuasca specifically brewed to reality obliterating doses is the only way you can approach this place yeah I'm wondering on the experience you talked about you're being taught you mentioned that yes yeah the second part would be how have you done this? I've done it maybe 30 times I haven't done it for a couple of years DMT or DMT? no DMT I'm... sometimes I think it's a young man's game or sometimes I'm just getting chicken shit you know this is not a drug of abuse let me tell you I know people who say it's their favorite drug and you say well when was the last time you did it? and they say 1968 and they're still processing to feel no need to go back and have a second look what was the first part of your question? what kind of knowledge? ah the knowledge the knowledge is interesting the knowledge is they want you they want me to make language that you can see they absolutely are convinced that this ability to make things visible with sound can be taught and that's what they want you to do they demonstrate it they say see what we're doing now do it and you say but and say no excuses we don't have a lot of time it's almost over do it do it then you attempt to do it and you discover in that place you can do this but why this is so important because when you come back to this world and listen to tape recordings of yourself doing it it's gibberish of some sort it's a kind of neurologically driven glossolalia it's like it's a language unhinged from the necessity of meaning and yet it is true that when you do it in that place it's absolutely ecstatic it's like sex but sex is sort of like a white light kind of thing this is like a colored spectrum if you could put the sexual experience through a prism and change the purity of orgasm into a spectrum of stuff then it would be like this language it's pure poetry it's poetry so thick you can literally cut it with a knife and they want you to do this and they are absolutely passionate about this is what we are here to teach you how to speak in a language that can be seen and a language which could be seen would be a kind of telepathy if you could see what I mean you would see my thoughts the way we communicate small mouth noises and the assumption of shared dictionaries an assumption which is never borne out by careful questioning is a miserable way to communicate if we could see our linguistic intentionality it would be the equivalent of seeing our mind and so this is what they want us to do now maybe if one were truly dead they wouldn't be so urgent about it and they would be like a relative leaning over a bassinet and holding up objects and saying look at this baby look at this this is a bell or something but definitely what they teach is in the domain of language and it's not a teaching which can be said like love one another or you know if it's juicy eat it over the sink it's more an ability locked in your physiological structure that we are not using they want us to speak in colored lights and it's their agenda it's not mine I have the faintest idea why that is so compelling well that's a little unfair I've given a lot of thought to it but initially I couldn't figure it out we'll I'm sure get more into this this afternoon it is the little self-transforming elf machine informs me lunch time thank you for putting up with this I appreciate your silent scorn or whatever it is [BLANK_AUDIO] {END} Wait Time : 0.00 sec Model Load: 0.55 sec Decoding : 1.39 sec Transcribe: 4298.58 sec Total Time: 4300.52 sec