
Minimalism, Linux, Self-Hosting, .NET, Go, Python, Philosophy, Psychology, Privacy, Security.

Join us on XMPP! Propaganda Stream bot

The ultimate XMPP bot! Some of its features include

  • Anti Spam
  • Social Credit Score
  • Distributed Moderation
  • Url Rewriter for Privacy Frontends
  • Url Title Extractor
  • Url Description Extractor
  • Url Image Extractor
  • Searx
  • Searx Images
  • Searx Videos
  • Crypto Exchange Rates
  • Translation
  • Activity Graphs

Join our MUC to see it in action and make it join yours! It’s free!

However, it’s not open-source. The constant cat & mouse game with spammers is just much harder if they can read the anti-spam code and figure out what they can get away with. Nobody ever contributed to any of my open source projects either, so I don’t feel too bad about it.

Activity Graphs

easily plot user/muc activity graphs

messages per hour graph

social credit score

check the reputation of the user and what he tends to talk about in your muc

social credit score graph

description and image extract

figure out what a url is about without having to click it

title, description and image extract


want to quickly search something and share it with others? no problem!

botsearx response

img searx

visual aid in conversations or just memes -your choice!

imgsearx response

vid searx

also frequently used to share music with others

vidsearx response

crypto exchange

gotta check the exchange rate of monero before ordering from hosting!

crypto exchanges

bot config

exhaustive configuration exposed to muc owners and admins via Private Message
