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ssh is power

let’s just jump right in.

port forwarding

Did you know, you can fuckin port forward with fuckin ssh?! You might want to host a gameserver so you can play with your friend, or show a client your progress by giving him access to your local webserver - but you are behind a firewall and don’t want to or simply can’t forward the ports? SSH can do it. All you need is a cheap server, like the cheapest of my Micro plans and you can use it to forward ports in a single line.

remote forwarding

For said scenarios above, where you run a server locally and want to expose it to the internet, like a webserver or gameserver running on port 8080

ssh -R 8080:

now you can give (or the server IP) to your friend or client, and ssh will tunnel everything to your local machine.

local forwarding

now let’s say you want to access a mysql server that’s running on your server. You can’t connect to it over the internet MySQL will only listen on 3306 locally, and be firewalled off. Still want to connect your dev environment to it? SSH can do it.

ssh -L 3306:

if you now connect your mysql client to, you will actually connect to (and you get encryption for free)


The format is defined like that:


RemotePort (on the server):Destination (your computer):LocalPort(on your computer)

disconnected - no problem

if you have access to screen on the server, use ssh -t screen -RR and you will create a screen immediately upon login, or reattach to the last one if it exists. Similar behavior can be achieved with tmux. if your internet connection goes down or indeed even if you close the terminal, your stuff will keep running.

mount remote filesystem locally

tired of scp yet? try sshfs

run a speedtest

yes | pv | ssh remote_host "cat >/dev/null"

and it it’s good enough (internet: >= 5mb/s, local: 35mb/s)

mount it

sshfs -o reconnect,ServerAliveInterval=15,ServerAliveCountMax=3,idmap=user /mnt/server-root

now you can just cp and mv to /mnt/server-root to upload files. you can treat it like any folder.

oh and visual studio code

You can literally let vscode ssh into your server, install itself there, copy all your local settings and extensions over and have vsc run on your server instead so your development environment is always the same, no matter what device you use. All your files will be stored on the server too, so no more forgetting your files either. I’ve been using it for months and love it.



I love simplicity and minimalism. I'm an autodidact and taught myself everything I know. I hate the 'educational system' and never did my homework. I have no tolerance for stupid.

> ./mail > ./feed